
Theological and polemical writings
'For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;
Casting down reasonings and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ'
2 Cor.10.4-5

An introductory foreword to the faculty of Jannes and Jambres (a.k.a. academic theological faculties across the globe)

The Divine Name

The glorious Son - the Fountain of Life  (As a pdf file)

The Eternal Generation of the Son
(by kind permission, a helpful expression of Nicene Orthodoxy by Malcolm Watts, ©BLQ 2010).
My reserve is in the specific interpretation of Psalm 2.7, over the sense of 'this day', Acts 13.33. More here

Is the Sonship of the Lord Jesus His office or His essential character.
More here.

John Owen on Hebrews 5.5 (pdf file)

Images of Christ - idols and a great curse  (As pdf)  (In Arabic as pdf)

A short survey of scripture teaching on the Canon of Scripture  Errors of Bruce Metzger examined – Clement of Rome and the canon    (As a pdf file)

Berkhof, Shedd and the role of preaching in the conception phase of regeneration.

The blueprint reexamined - some thoughts on the Lord's Table  and on Church membership

Revelation is structured around the Apostle John's own AlephBet (alphabet)

The absolute simplicity of God’s essence – an alien philosophical intrusion from NeoPlatonism into scriptural teaching on the Godhead 

Simplicity -an error common to all three monotheistic faiths - scriptural critique

Number in Deuteronomy - a unifying command.
For those unfamiliar with Hebrew, these files from a helpful interlinear site may be useful. Chapters five and six

Augustine and the theophany at Mamre

John 1:18 - a profound corruption in many modern translations and ancient MSS

Should Christians plan to borrow? (pdf)            The iniquity of interest   (pdf)

The impropriety of Christian oaths

Some thoughts on a desirable pastor

Infidelity - the curse of unbelieving academic theology- Cutting off the branch that supports him, a living fulfilment of Luke 11.52. Frederik Poulsen denigrates Daniel's plea for much needed repentance.

Jephthah's vow - a real sacrifice and its implications for Calvary

Is Michael the Archangel a manifestation of the Messiah or not? (As a pdf file)

Who wrote Psalm 89, and why it matters?

Did King David 'torture' the Ammonites?

A short critique of Hendriksen's 'Israel in prophecy'   (As a pdf file)

A summary of John Owen's view(s) on land covenant

Terse questions on circumcision and the covenants.

Hair coverings a scriptural command for women at prayer (Michael Marlowe's helpful exegesis) 
Though he lacks proper caution about ancient (e.g. Clement of Alexandria, sn. 11) and now Islamic misuse of the face veil, under the misguided profession of preserving modesty

Theological connection with the increasing prevalence of sexual perversions

Is Doctor or Rabbi a legitimate title for a preacher? 

Some comments on Andrew Bonar on the intriguing event in Leviticus 10.16-20

A reconstructed Jerusalem Temple the literal seat of Antichrist

Shipwrecks - Wroclaw's EST,
WEST logo, Affinity and the FIEC

Parachurch Plague

The antinomian tendency in centred set missiology

Zelophehad and Messiah's genealogy (As a pdf file)

The curious chiasm in Messiah's family tree - Zerubbabel and Salathiel (As a pdf file)

How did Boaz press his case for Ruth's hand?

Rambam and Hellenic leaven

A response to the Elephant and the Suit (pdf) The original piece is here

Converted polygynists?

Some thoughts on supercession and replacement theology - what has been replaced?

To whom was the promise of the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31 primarily made? Israel and Judah or all the world?

Some fragmentary thoughts on the covenants

Musings on the Sabbath

Submission to ungodly powers - how far for a believer?

Some suggested scriptural characteristics of the Antichrist

6 intriguing, complex acrostics of HaShem in Esther: 'I conceal'
The fifth (and sixth) in 7.5 is a five word palindrome which allows the 4 word acrostic for 'I AM' to be read in both directions. Is there a seventh?
More acrostics from Bullinger's work, including the famous double direction acrostic in Psalm 96.11.

Acrostics of the Divine Name occur in scripture about 100 x more than would be expected.

Nettelhorst: Reflection on the gender of Wisdom and of the Holy Spirit (Archived here)

Is the Archangel Michael the Lord Jesus Christ?

Were the two angels who warned Lot a Theophany?

Stephen's Sanhedrin Speech

Interchurch funding needs handling properly to stop fueling corruption and decadence.

Can a Christian who believes the Millennium is now, that Satan's unloosing is round the corner (2 Thess.2.3), also believe the regathering of national Israel in sin, fulfils the ancient prophecies? (In shorthand can an amillennialist be a Zionist?). I am.
A reply to a detailed work by Brother John Wilmot, former pastor at Highgate Road Chapel, entitled, 'Inspired Principles of Prophetic Interpretation.

A brief refutation of Arian translation of John 8.58.
An appeal to the TBS and SDHS about their modern Hebrew translations.


A scattering of pearls - some treasures from the early church

Polycarp's prayer - an inspiring example of martyrdom in old age

The Cathedral of Confessions - the 'Athanasian' Creed

A glorious view of the paradox of Christ's person - Gregory of Nazianzen

On the depth of God's incomprehensibility - John of Damascus

Novatian on Modalism (aka Oneness, Patripassianism or Sabellianism)
We have reservations on Novatian in other areas, on the Godhead and on discipline, but he is the principal early polemicist against this scourge.

The Creed of Chalcedon. The scriptural remedy to docetic views of Christ

Athanasius on Apollinaris, his former friend and his disciples, whom he does not name. Apollinarism sees the mind of Christ as only Divine, with no place for a human soul, it is heretical.
This docetic teaching is contemporary.
Further notes and details in this edition.

The main opponent of early docetism was Ignatius of Antioch.


Some tracts

Spiritual life, with special reference to Noah.
Another on predictive prophecy - the gauntlet Isaiah throws down to false gods.

A new leaflet on the prosperity Gospel, so rife in the UK and Nigeria.

Leaflets especially for Muslims, rabbinic Jews and other sinners

A children's leaflet about the ugliness of idols - the Kaaba included.
A testimony of life and assurance, a dear brother in Birmingham.
In French, courtesy of friends at the Met Tab.
God preserves His Word, it is His own honour at stake
Is the eternal Son of God created or begotten, what does the term signify?
Who is the Messiah, why does it matter so much?
Who is Yahya the son of Zachariah? What did he do? What did he say?


Has Satan made a monkey of you? Evolution is a foolish and facile excuse for sin
God is angry - avoid it!
He was wounded for our disgrace to be healed.