
Reasons for the literality of the reference to the Jerusalem Temple in 2 Thess.2.4.


  'The fact that we do not have the Temple is a sign of God’s judgment against us.'
'When the Temple returns, in fulfillment of God’s promise,
the loyal Jew will not miss a beat in bringing the sacrificial system back to life.'

Yisroel Blumenthal, 2010

'The Holy Temple is the central, integral, intrinsic, vital and necessary component of exercising sovereignty'
Chaim Richman, 2nd September, 2011

For the first, but certainly not the last time, in Israel's history a member of the Knesset proposes legislation to hasten a 4th Temple
Zevulun Orlev, 30th July 2012, in Olam Katan (Heb.) as reported in Israel Times


Articles now prepared for the 4th templeWriting of the AntiChrist,

'Who opposeth and exalte
th himself above all that is called God, or

that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,

shewing himself that he is God.
Remember ye not, that, when I was

yet with you, I told you these things?'

Items already prepared for the 4th temple.

A breach of the Status Quo, 13/8/24 a minister in his official capacity prays and worships on the Temple Mount on Tesha' B'Av.
Tesha' B'Av
 * Only Jews are forced to present their ID’s to the police.
 * Only Jews are followed and harassed by Israeli police and Muslim Wakf guards throughout the entire visit on the Mount.
 * Only Jews are arrested for crimes such as prayer, closing eyes, bowing down or singing.        

Popular songs abound with a reflection of the growing expectation of the restoration of the Jerusalem Temple

A flavour of growing Rabbinic Jewish sentiment

Incidentally the cherubim are so close in the T.I.'s logo at the end there's no seat for God! Ps.99.1

Although rebuilding the Temple would be the fruit of extraordinary forbearance, given its theological roots it can only end in tears.

A short glimpse at the feedbacks at the bottom of this page shows how pervasive opinion in favour of reconstructing the Temple has become in English speaking national religious circles. There is also continuing Muslim paranoia and incitement of anxiety and aggression over the issue. Why should the Muslim Brotherhood desire Jerusalem not Mecca as its capital?

Reasons why the reference in 2 Thessalonians to the Temple is literal
   A. Epimanides  Antiochus Epiphanes and coins of his realm (Courtesy of Wiki)Coins

Early writers: second century AD.
'But when this Antichrist shall have devastated all things in this world, he will reign for three years and six months, and sit in the temple at Jerusalem; and then the Lord will come from heaven in the clouds, in the glory of the Father, sending this man and those who follow him into the lake of fire; but bringing in for the righteous the times of the kingdom, that is, the rest, the hallowed seventh day; and restoring to Abraham the promised inheritance, in which kingdom the Lord declared, that “many coming from the east and from the west should sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” '
Irenaeus 'Against Heresies', Book V, Chapter 30, Paragraph 4.

'Christ is a king, so Antichrist is also a king. The Saviour was manifested as a lamb; so he too, in like manner, will appear as a lamb, though within he is a wolf.  The Saviour came into the world in the circumcision, and he will come in the same manner. The Lord sent apostles among all the nations, and he in like manner will send false apostles. The Saviour gathered together the sheep that were scattered abroad, and he in like manner will bring together a people that is scattered abroad. ... The Saviour raised up and showed His holy flesh like a temple, and he will raise a temple of stone in Jerusalem.'
Hippolytus, Treatise on Christ and Antichrist, Pt.2. Sn.6.

A message on the peculiar cursing of the fig tree:
'No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever.'

The real test of the true Temple is found in this text:

'And the nations shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel,
when my Sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.' Ezek. 37.28
Will it bring inward holiness of character?

A useful and detailed history of interest in the Third Temple

Some pertinent news items - though no pretence of a regular update here:

Rabbi Calls for reinitiation of Passover Sacrifice on Temple Mount - first in nearly 2,000 years        3/11
The chief rabbis keep the lock gates shut - for how much longer?  The reaction mixed and heated    3/12
The PA castigates Israel's Attorney General for stating the obvious. 7/12
MK proposes legislation to expedite Temple's construction  7/12
MK proposes legislation for Jewish and Christian prayer times (hitherto strictly forbidden) at 'Al Haram AsSharif'  8/12
PA accuses Israel's officials of plotting to destroy al Aqsa 10/12
Moshe Feiglin arrested for the third time for praying on Temple mount. 1/13
Mike Moore's excellent piece on Shavuot, with reference to the real Third Temple 5/13
Jerusalem Court makes landmark decision no law against Jews praying on the Mount. 6/13
Abbas joins the pot-stirring by falsely accusing Israel of plotting to destroy Al Aqsa. 6/13
'Jews should be allowed to pray in their holiest site' cabinet minister 7/13
Jews collide
Access to Jews banned on annual day of commemoration, after Muslim riot. 7/13
Knesset discusses Jewish prayer on Mount, Arab media frenzied. 8/13
Jews allowed to pray on Temple Mount. 9/13
Feiglin presses for equality of access and removal of the Muslim Waqf. 9/13
Palestinian perceptions
An Israel soldier devours the Dome of the Rock. 4/14
Temple poll
A poll in A7 Israel National News 5/14
Congresswoman Bachman calls for Israel to build Third (sic)Temple 5/14
First public Jewish prayer on the Mount in 2 millennia  6/14
Jordan opposes prayer Bill and presses Netanyahu to block it 10/14
Israel's Ministry of Religious Affairs seeks ways to facilitate Jewish prayer on Temple Mount 10/14
A red heifer being raised in Israel 7/15
Abbas stokes the flames by calling Jerusalem's Jewish history 'a delusional myth' 9/15
And again by calling Jews' "filthy feet" on the Mount as defiling! 9/15
UNSC weighs in by calling both sides for restraint and blaming neither- a bit like the Warsaw Ghetto perhaps? 9/15
Using the Temple to incite religious hatred is no new phenomenon 10/15
Jewish women allowed to pray at Temple Mount gates 3/18
More on the Red Heifer 6/18
Rabbinic efforts to restore Passover sacrifice to Temple Mount become bolder 4/19

PA deliberately stirring up conflict on Temple Mount behind the scenes (again), around Eid Al Adha and Tisha B'Av. 8/19

Temple Mount Sacrifices to be expected again soon?4/20

Jordan fumes over Jews being allowed to pray on Temple Mount 10/21

Some enthuse over flawless Red Heifers, but the time isn't yet ripe. 9/22

The number of worshippers on the Temple mount is doubling. 9/22

Rabbinic Jews expect religious liberties on and near the Temple Mount, but are met with fierce restraint by Israeli police. 10/22

Would animal sacrifices be reinstated? Of course - but as a repudiation of Calvary. 3/23

Denying the historicity of the Temple Mount is becoming more 'respectable', but it's moronic. 6/23

A experienced writer advocates the practical use of Ezekiel's Temple as a blueprint for reconstruction. 8/23.

Ben Gvir, Israel's security minister shatters the Status Quo, by praying and worshipping on the Mount during Tesha' B'Av. 8/24.

More on the character and identity of the Antichrist