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The land of Israel    Christian Antisemitism
 index_files/sinai.jpg View from Columbia, NASA.

'For to me to live is Messiah, ... to die is gain'     (Phil. 1.21)

A short introduction to the author

Some writings for perusal
Theological - Queen of the Sciences

The Sacred Name
Shema - threshold to the golden key (30 min message on Divine Unity - antidote to fatal theologies)

The glorious Son - the Fountain of life
For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me the fountain of living waters,
and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.(Jer.2.13)

All the things you desire are not to be compared to her.

If the trumpet give an uncertain sound.. who shall prepare himself for battle?
Interpreting the Bible (hermeneutics) is a crucial matter, and a primary contemporary target for those spirits determined to defile the churches (and so far massively succeeding).

What is wrong with us? - a detailed, painful but accurate account by a master diagnostician
Courtesy of Wheaton College's excellent CCEL resource

Spiritual satnav    The neglected sword of Goliath

An old rabbi's appeal to the Jewish people

The scall of Divine Simplicity

The seal of attestation - a short list of some key prophecies about the Messiah Yehoshua
'O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have written!'
Though I dissent from literalistic view of last days advocated elsewhere on this site, like the literal rebuilding of Babylon.

The price of our peace   
The Church is not Israel

Seven serious spiritual wounds from sex outside of marriage - a vicious snare of our age


Modesty a sacred and rare jewel in our licentious age
Theological error at root of this tsunami of sexual perversions     How shall the youth cleanse his or her way? By taking heed according to Your Word. (Ps.119.9)

How can we know the Bible is indeed God's very word?

5 golden rings (now 10!) - precious promises for a young believer

The indestructible confidence of a small sparrow

Does the Bible translation we use matter? (local)    Serious heresy in many modern translations

Are images, plays or films of Christ a violation of the Second Commandment?    In Arabic

The Name of God (The Third Command and the Messiah)  

The Chief Root Of Wisdom

Worshipping the golden calf in the 21st Century - so called 'Christian' Hedonism
Banal, repetitive lyrics, devoid of deep spiritual meditation and a heavy focus on a sensual beat, lights and dance.
'But they set their abominations in the house, which is called by my name, to defile it.' (Jer.32.34)

Scenes of the snare of syncretistic decadence from Soul Survivor 2019 and the Big Church Day Out 2019.
Christians should never worship in the dark! (Acts 20.8) The Lord seeks worship in Spirit and Truth (Jn.4.23) not a performance of fleshliness and worldly sleaze - 'Christian' Baal worship 2019
'God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the holy, and to be held in deep awe by all them that are about Him.' Ps.89.7
'If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God defile; for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.' 1 Cor.3.17
Passion 16 Depravity in the Name of Christ
John Piper's promotion of nightclub churches (archive) - sadly this carnality is now wickedly promulgated in London by Co-Mission.
CoMission 19Revive 2019
'Wherefore come out from among them, and be separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.' (2 Cor.6.17)
For churches struggling with involvement with this pernicious influence, words of reproof and comfort here: Rev.2.12-29.

Is contemporary music a help or a hindrance to true worship? (David Cloud)
Worldly Music Enters the Church - a historical analysis. 'Doth not the ear try words? and the mouth taste his meat?' Job 12.11
The importance of discreet secondary separation. (Peter Masters)

Credit Suisse
The iniquity of taking interest - a 5 century old fountain of our global financial mess.    Should Christians or churches ever plan to borrow?
'Our laws are shamefully full of encouragement to credit' CHS
'Woe is me, my mother, that thou hast borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth!
I have neither lent on usury, nor men have lent to me on usury; yet every one of them doth curse me.' (Jer 15:10)

Molten gods of this age    Wounding the dragon within

Some other papers (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal)

new  Some Ministry of the Sacred Word   new
The list below lacks some messages (see link above for all)
Contemporary comment

There are very few European writers with this moral courage, and I unreservedly commend Douglas Murray for it.
Two clips to awaken you from your BBC-induced moral stupor, one longer (20 mins) and one short (3 mins).
If you care one hoot about the Palestinians' future, you'll listen carefully to both.

'Feathered' dinosaurs are a huge problem for the evolution of flight.

Pastors David Cooke and Mark Mullins are strongly to be commended for their thorough and detailed investigation into Lanka Evangelical Fellowship.
It is clear, careful and devastating. We pray it leads to reform.
JK report
Many lessons need to be learned.

Despite Western media distortion and 1/2 million very misguided left wing demonstrators in TA, most Israelis are furious at the Western reaction to the cold blooded slaughter of their hostages and so am I.
The Prime Minister expresses it well, his poll ratings are still rising.

POTUS and the UK Foreign Secretary have chosen to incline to murderous rapists, mutilators and terrorists for electoral gain, not moral principle.

Robert F. Kennedy's largely unpublished warnings about the killing of American democracy (but much lip service) are extremely serious and substantial. (5mins)

An appeal to the brethren at TBS and SDHS about their modern Hebrew translations of John 8.58.
A brief refutation of Arian translation of John 8.58.

The recent stench of corruption from the IRS is terrible, even across the pond. US tax law firm Skadden and the big 4 accounting firms, PwC, EY and Deloitte esp mentioned. But the UK is likely to be far worse, having had more skin in the game for longer.

Would you vote for Molech?

Remember when people talk about 'care', this may be what they refer to.

A breach of the Status Quo, a minister in his official capacity prays and worships on the Temple Mount on Tesha' B'Av.
Tesha' B'Av

Serious crimes continue in Sri Lanka with Reformed Baptist Mission
JK summons

Medical execution is now the fifth commonest cause of death in Canada.
Trudeau's hands are filled with blood of thousands, will Starmer's also shortly be? Ezek.22.27 God will avenge it.

AL Ta'abin school
A case study in disinformation.
The recent 'massacre' at the Al Taba'in School in Gaza.

Hamas said,
"All those killed in the occupation's massacres are women and children, and there is absolutely no justification for targeting our people"
Hamas repeatedly boasts about using human shields!
The BBC,CNN and most other Western media largely echo Hamas' numbers of c.100 innocents dead. As they did with Jenin or the Al Ahli Hospital 'massacre' that wasn't.
The UN Special rapporteur for Palestine, Francesca Albanese, claims 'In the largest and most shameful concentration camp of the 21st century, Israel is genociding the Palestinians one neighborhood at the time, one hospital at the time, one school at the time, one refugee camp at the time, one 'safe zone' at the time.'
The truth is likely to be more prosaic.
The IDF claimed, 'no women or children were present, according to IDF intelligence'. 31 terrorists killed, precise targetting and precise weapons were used, as is evident from the images pre and post. Maybe there were some innocents killed, despite serious efforts to avoid them.
But what is Israel supposed to do, sit on its hands, while serious efforts to repeat 7/10 are planned? We wouldn't, even if the same despicable tactics of hiding behind skirts were used. So why has the world fallen to such hypocrisy?
Some IDF soldiers are paediatricians who treat Gaza's children in Israeli hospitals, do you really think they want to wipe them all out?
The Hamas-run health ministry on Sunday,11/8/24, claimed, “So far, there are more than 93 martyrs, including 11 children and six women. There are unidentified remains.” Big change from earlier claims, still heavily disputed and likely false. Would you trust ISIS?

Lest there be any doubt, rioting is always a work of the flesh, a sign of damnation both for those who collude, as well as those who participate. Gal.5.20-21.

Terror is no Arab monopoly. Jews too, as the Sicarii.

Did the US betray 10 Mossad agents in Tehran to avoid trouble before the election? NSC categorically denies. Uncorroborated Kuwaiti and Iranian sources. Fox has taken this down. Looks unlikely.

Two more syndicated 'journalists' both involved in the 7/10 torture, rape and butchery, one as a member of Hamas Noskha 'special forces' in the vanguard, not just as observers, but active perpetrators of what is worse than Amos 1.13 and Ps.137.9, much worse than the Nazis (according to Churchill's biographer) and not at all like the episodes of terrible mass execution sanctioned by the Law, Num.31.7, which exactly enact the Judgement.
The only reason this isn't news in Western media, is this phenomenon is very well known to Western journalists, who are therefore complicit with these crimes.

I understand vaccine hesitancy and I've posted about the nefarious use of vaccine passports and vaccine compulsion for data & population control before, but...
refusing the DTP vaccine for infants is dangerous and unethical. I've seen tetanus - it's ugly and can be lethal. Mt.8.6.

Soleb - another nail in the coffin for the contemptible and ridiculous 'Documentary Hypothesis'

Q. Why does a homosexual, agnostic journalist have greater moral clarity on the contemporary litmus test of righteousness than 90% of reformed pastors?
The same was true in Bonhoeffer's crucial day, so many evangelicals failed...abjectly.
Spurgeon wouldn't. Sometimes Liberals and Catholics stand against evil, whilst Evangelicals buckle.
Is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism? Yes, emphatically it is. Is your church or pastor guilty of Jew hatred?

Golden Plover
The breathtaking journey of the golden plover - another huge problem for Dawkins.


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A lovely example of nuptial devotion

A few hymns
(sorry about the gravelly voice)
The best of all loves!    The True Temple    The impregnable confidence of a true Christian  War hymn


Letter of advice to a newly qualified physician

A 15 min chat about ethical principles & pitfalls with young doctors (their comments removed)

Dr Hilary Cass wrote a helpful account of the medical harm and untested nature of attempted "conversion therapy" from one biological sex to 'another' (local copy), her recommendations are weak, not pressing for a ban on hormone blockers, nor specifically calling for caution on conversion therapy bans, not touching on underage contraception, nor a ban on 'transitioning', but she has been heavily vilified for what she did properly write, and she deserves commendation for her courage and persistence, in the face of a flood of disinformation and resistance by lobbyists for medical poisoning, mutilation and the destroying of many young lives, pretending to be 'specialists'.

Some spiritual grit on the slippery path of sufferers of anorexia nervosa

2007 Yogyakarta Principles - the remarkably effective global LGBT P agenda analysed - gays are more equal than others!
An activist's guide to perverting human rights here.
A revolution of greater importance than the industrial or information revolution for our future.
Abundant evidence for the massively corrosive effect of pornography on social and family health - neglect or a deliberate poisoning of the young? (Rom.1.32)

An e mail to Maura Buchanan about the RCN's 'neutrality' on assisted killing

A letter to the President of the GMC about changes in the code of practice

New UK government education campaign: 'Anal sexual intercourse (ASI) causes cancer and can seriously damage your health' -  why the shyness at health promotion?
A wise man concurs
Incidentally, persistent enticement to or compulsion of one's partner to ASI, less delicately but legally called 'buggery', is as much fornication (πορνεία) and against nature (παρά φύσις, Romans 1.26) as its homosexual equivalent and is lawful grounds for divorce (Mt. 5.32).

Letter to a senior colleague on the health effects of institutionally promoting immoral lifestyles as healthy alternatives to a married life

Should idolatry or adultery be recriminalised?      The death penalty for murder - a Biblical duty of the state      Homosexuality - a crowning depravity

Diversity and Conformity at PwC
A Phineas of Poland skewers PricewaterhouseCooper's Workplace Policy:  (Not for the easily offended). Archived here and here

The British National Party exposed - the politics of hate - utterly abhorrent to all true Christians and people of conscience
(Though it is one of the few national parties left which still rebukes sodomy (Lev.19.17).) The EDL is a bird of similar feathers.

Is the Bible homophobic or transphobic? Does the definition of these perversely flexible concepts have any residual validity? Yet 'such were some of you', the gift of repentance.

Selfless love will ultimately endure and conquer all, when every human empire and ideology has long sunk into dust.

Some book reviews
Evolution -the ultimate idolatry

Abiogenesis is a more ridiculous fairy tale than any found in the Quran or 1001 nights.

Worship and adore the Architect of this cathedral - or live forever in sightless ingratitude!

Are you such a fuddy duddy you still believe in the fairytale genetics of human-ape evolution? Listen to Dr Jeanson especially.

More & different details here, never mind the natty ties, listen to the compelling logic.

Why ape-human evolution is fairy tale speculation.

Do Darwinists behave like scientists or fanatical religious bigots towards their best critics?
(I also can testify from personal experience of the veracity of this account)

What ugly and bitter fruit Darwinism has borne.

Theistic evolution - Aesop's dog and bone - currying favour with the world and holding Genesis - both will be lost.

Coal is excellent testimony to a massive, global flood, and the serious defects in deep time theories.

Endogenous retroviruses and evolution   (© ARJ, 2009)

(Some background on this here and here, and here)

101 solid reasons why the Earth is young

The extraordinary island of Surtsey    'On Surtsey, only a few months sufficed for a landscape to be created which was so varied and mature that it was almost beyond belief.'

More evidence of the Deluge from recent finds in Mongolia - there's still time to take off the blinkers, before it's too late

A complete breakdown of paradigm - yet the herd still trundles on to the intellectual abattoir

Darwin's challenge fully answered and as yet no defenders will take up his cause - despite my global search (as pdf file, © CMI Australia 2005)

Richard Dawkins' philosophical and somewhat evasive reply
(the article in its original form was also sent to several of the world's most eminent renal physiologists - some wrote back, and expressed interest, but none came up with a better response to its challenge than RD's fudging.)

A response to Shirley Tilghman's 2005 George Romanes Lecture - the heart of the Western malady laid bare

The neo-Darwinist's prayer (satirical doggerel)

An excellent resource for answers to much of the nonsense spouted by supporters of evolution

A classic piece of Papal syncretism with indigenous pagan mythology Since withdrawn but still archived - the Vatican bows at Darwin's altar.

More fragments on Evolution


Christian Antisemitism - the spirit level of our time
'Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion
let them be as the grass upon the housetops, which withereth afore it groweth up' 
(The text is properly fulfilled in Heb.12.22)


The Duty of praying for unsaved Israel

Growing Holocaust denial in all its shades (left, right and centre) joins its blood-stained hands with the Nazis - John Mann MP 2019

A rogues gallery of anti-Zionist participants at Christ at the Checkpoint 2016, and why some of their past colleagues are so dangerous. Hamas scholar Abu Sway in attendance.

Some extracts from Martin Luther's utterly shameful and hateful writings, that assisted the Holocaust - what every Protestant should know.

Anti-Zionistic Antisemitism - An open letter to the 'Love the Muslims' newsgroup, after normal dissemination was blocked.

Can a Christian who believes the Millennium is now, that Satan's unloosing is round the corner (2 Thess.2.3), also believe the regathering of national Israel in sin, fulfils the ancient prophecies? (In shorthand can an amillennialist be a Zionist?). I am.
A reply to a detailed work by Brother John Wilmot, former pastor at Highgate Road Chapel, entitled, 'Inspired Principles of Prophetic Interpretation.

A few arabic texts and the Satanic verses
Other matters Islamic

The cruel and sterile blasphemy of the Tauhid

The Purest Idolatry of All?

Neglected aspects of Islamic worship, the Niqab and sexuality (not suitable for children)

Some helpful food for thought for enquiring Muslims Serious problems of consistency and the professed prophet of Islam.

Why the Qur'an could not be Divine in origin

Copies of the Muslim texts behind Mohammed's 'Satanic verses' and background (easily obtained in Cairo's book fairs)

What kind of fast does God seek? What will He reject?

The faith of Molech revived.

Other links between Nazi and Jihadi theology explored - in the writings of
Sayyid Qutb and his heirs

Islamic Child abuse


Writings for Rabbinics Who is the Messiah, why does it matter so much?

Rambam's leprosy - the anti-Maccabee

Uncircumcised together - a shared heritage of unbelief in Rabbinic and Muslim rejection of Torah.

So what is real circumcision?

Refusing Worship of the Divine Similitude is עבודה זרה('Avodah Zarah(Fake))

Who appeared to Israel at Sinai?

What is the true essence of Judaism?

The desolate emptiness of Yom Kippur  Whence Antisemitism?

Is the worship of Messiah shirk or idolatry? - reasons why this Rabbinic Jewish and Muslim identification is both lethal and inconsistent with their own roots.


The Question of the Land Covenant

'Which is the glory of all lands' Ezek. 20. 6,15
An obscure question to our eminent forebears, as their confusion testifies,
now an inescapable issue of white hot relevance.

Famous 'Christian Zionists' writings - though they would not recognise the term for one who believes Biblical prophecy predicts a real Jewish return to Israel at the end of the Age. C.H.Spurgeon, J.C.Ryle, Robert M. M'Cheyne and Horatius Bonar. (Courtesy CWi) Many many others held an identical position.

A critical appraisal of the kernel of William Hendriksen's work 'Israel in Prophecy'

Land Covenant - the question stated

A summary of John Owen's view(s) on land covenant

C.H.Spurgeon's position
Anti-dispensational - 'It is a mercy that these absurdities are revealed one at a time, in order that we may be able to endure their stupidity without dying of amazement'
but for a literal restoration of Jews to their homeland, without dogmatism on whether it preceded or followed repentance.

'We look forward, then, for these two things. I am not going to theorize upon which of them will come first whether they shall be restored first, and converted afterwards or converted first and then restored. They are to be restored and they are to be converted, too.'
Charles Haddon Spurgeon The Restoration And Conversion Of The Jews. Ezekiel 37.1-10, June 16th, 1864

Lord Shaftesbury, Edward Bickersteth, J.C. Ryle, Murray M'Cheyne, John Rippon, Benjamin Keach, Thomas Sibbes, John Gill and Andrew Bonar and an army of other reformed teachers' positions were very similar, some pre-mill, many post-mill, other unpersuaded of literal millennium (like this author) - see Iain Murray's the Puritan Hope for more names and quotes.

Great Britain's great betrayal of her 'sacred mandate' (her own words) to the Jewish people in 1939.
Part of a most helpful historical introduction to the legal background behind the recognition of Israel's natural rights to the land.

Palestine or Israel

Evangelical Apostasy gathers pace
the most malicious murderthe cruelest theft
Hirelings and wolves multiply amongst 'evangelicals'

Why modern ecumenism is cruel, deadly, deceitful and a betrayal of the Lord's precious commands.
Some historical background.

Christianity and Liberalism - a classic study in the polonium of old fashioned 'liberal' infidelity that infects and destroys the wisdom of so many scholars and so many academic institutions, including many that now pretend to be evangelical like Union School of Theology. Machen and Sr Lecturer in NT at UST compared.

Standing apart from evangelicals who actively promote sinful, worldly behaviour, despite correction, is the Lord Jesus' command.

Some context - widespread apostasy an expected precursor to the Lord's return - a message

The Apostolate of Antinomianism - The Gospel Coalition. Tim Keller, John Piper and 'New Calvinist' companions

In 2019 TGC actively promotes same sex attraction, and endorsed gay 'Christian' Sam Alberry to encourage single adoption (by homosexuals) in evangelical churches.
Alberry claims celibacy, but says physical intimacy is fine between homosexuals.
Another Brit, Ed Shaw, homosexual figurehead of the FIEC's push to normalise homosexuality, 'Living Out', is promoting gay attraction on behalf of the TGC to children in Sydney

Rachel Gilson, a self confessed lesbian (though married to a man), wickedly claims same sex marriage is proper in the churches, and the evil orientation is a 'gift'. She still appears as a contributor on Tim Keller and John Piper's TGC pages, many months later.

Embracing idolatry - the Reformanda Initiative embraces and ignores Rome's abominations - and betrays the Lord Jesus Christ. Rev.2.20-22.
new new
The Alpha Course - seriously defective and unbiblical.

An unholy trinity at Brompton.

Silicon Valley facilitates apostasy! Instagram too is yet another corrupter - see live shadowbanning below.
Satan's puppets

Union School of Theology - a paragon of evangelical corruption.
The Lowest Common Denominator

'Evangelical' Baal worship 2019
The Evangelical Alliance enthusiastically promotes cooperation with Cardinal Nichols, the 2 Archbishops and the Pope.
The betrayal of its roots is complete and foul.

The sharp end of Satan's wedge - 'new evangelicals' and the 'new hermeneutics' - a serious attack upon the fortress of God's word. Peter Masters gently introduces the background and the problem.
His focus on interpretation and a grave source of error and confusion.

FIEC has traduced its previous faithful stand on Rome and other heresies, with a weak, wordy and ineffectual replacement - (who's in mind JW's?)

Multiplying errors to itself Wales Ecumenical School of Theology   Union School of Theology
An open letter to academic theological faculties - Jannes and Jambre.

Shipwrecks - the FIEC, Affinity, and WEST-Union School of Theology and sharp rocks of ecumenism and decadence already penetrate the hulls of SGA, EMF, Christianity Explored and a host of other Western parachurch bodies.

The collapse of Arab World Ministries and Red Sea Mission

Grace Baptist Mission, liberalism and extreme Polish ecumenism
Brother Peter Nicholson exposes serious hypocrisy in Grace Baptist Mission.
A sponsored worker joins the extremely ecumenical and liberal Polish Baptist Union (KChB).
The ongoing role of Franklin Graham in promoting rampant ecumenism is also noted.
We have drawn attention to this phenomenon before, but this episode is especially serious.

So called 'New Calvinism' - which is nothing of the kind - a toxic mix of hedonism and antinomianism, with a specious profession of orthodoxy - E S Williams' website

Parachurch Plague

Interchurch funding needs handling properly to stop fueling corruption and decadence.

Spurgeon's unmasking of the wolves of the Downgrade - The Case Proved - more relevant now even than then, in 'evangelical' churches

A treasury of other Downgrade documents - crucially relevant to today's appalling compromises.

Documents on WEST and Union School of Theology
Documents on the FIEC
Documents on Affinity
Sleeping shepherd

Links to some favourite sites and contact


Theology   Ministry of God's Word
Evolution    Rome     EU
Islam / The Satanic verses
The land of Israel
Christian Antisemitism
Writings for Rabbinics
Evangelical Apostasy