A response to the usually indubitable Colin Hart's position on Qur'an burning


Dear brother Colin Hart,
Greetings in Christ Jesus.
I agree with you that Pastor Jones' proposed actions are inappropriate and untimely, but you go far too far by describing them as 'unchristian'. Was it wrong for the brethren in Ephesus to burn their magic books (Acts 19.19), might the other practitioners of the same arts have objected on precisely the same grounds you are raising against Pastor Jones? Given the fierceness of devotion to deities like Diana, might there not be needless offence, might there not be harm done to innocent parties, the police and other law officials? Was it apposite to witness? Are the writings of the Qur'an any less heretical and sinful than the books that were burned?
The only telling distinction was that at Ephesus, believers sought publically and openly to renounce and break from their past, Pastor Jones seeks to express renunciation of an evil doctrine to which he has never given profession. I would never object in the way you have to a bold ex Muslim burning the book that had damned his forebears, nearly damned him, and was in danger of beguiling his family. On the contrary, it seems to me he would have an excellent and a scriptural precedent in the New Testament, if he chose that courageous course, notwithstanding your article.
It is easy to follow the chorus of secular critics and the scoffers, but is it scriptural and is it wise, when the real issue is not the act but the outrageous and savage threatened reaction?
Yours in the Beloved Son,
Charles Soper


Ministry of God's Word
Islam/ The Satanic verses
The land of Israel
Christian anti-Semitism
